Fisher and Paykel Refrigerator/Freezer E240B July 15-16 pickup

This is a Fisher and Paykel E240B. The design of this is such that the freezer is at the bottom part and the regular (non-freezer) is on top. The freezer is very spacious. The shelves are adjustable. It also has a very convenient beep alarm to let you know if you have left the fridge door open.

The manual lists the following as the dimensions needed for the  cubbyhole. Please see the following images for the refrigerator dimensions.

Total volume: 246 liters


- frost free freezer
- adjustable glass shelves
- door alarm on fridge compartment
- interchangeable doors
- interior light
- covered door shelves
- front levelling feet
- half width crisper bin

Purchased brand new in Nov 2008. Unit is in perfect working order. Owners moving overseas. Pet-free and smoke-free home.
Pick up on July 15-16 only from Milford, North Shore.

Interested? Email me your best price: advinx[at]gmail[dot]com
Minimum bid: $200
Silent auction ends June 20, 2010 at 12 nn (sealed bids)

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